Vaccine Safety Rebuttle

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Vaccine Safety Rebuttle 作者: Mind Map: Vaccine Safety Rebuttle

1. CON: not all babies and people need every vaccine

1.1. Some people's bodies will not create the necessary antibodies

1.1.1. can lead to chronic immune dysfunction

1.2. Babies are not at risk for Hepatitis B at birth, although there are exceptions, this is an unnecessary vaccine to give a newly born baby

2. immunity

2.1. PRO: Polio, measles, whooping cough etc

2.1.1. 90%-99% effective

2.2. PRO: herd immunity

2.2.1. 2011: 49 US states were not 92%-94% leading to 42,000 diagnosed with pertussis in 2012

2.3. CON: some people do not react to vaccine (no immunity or temporarily are immune)

3. PRO: America has safest supply

3.1. majority of issues are because of allergic reactions not the vaccine itself

4. CON: Tested by medical professionals to ensure safety

4.1. most vaccines only tested for a year of less before releasing to public

4.2. many injuries, illnesses and diseases have been casued y vaccines

4.3. National Vaccine Act in 1986 passed to protect companies from being sued due to damage to people

4.4. ingedients in vaccines are cancer causing

5. PRO: Tested by medical professionals to ensure safety

5.1. FDA requires testing for vaccines for 10 plus years

5.2. in certain doses, ingredients aren't harmful