Emotional and Behavioral Disorders - 10:00

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Emotional and Behavioral Disorders - 10:00 作者: Mind Map: Emotional and Behavioral Disorders - 10:00

1. Definition

1.1. An inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and/or teachers.

2. Resources

2.1. http://www.ccbd.net/about/ebddefintion

2.2. https://www.educationcorner.com/behavioral-disorders-in-the-classroom.html

3. Challenges for Learning

3.1. They need a lot of structure and routines

3.2. Consequences need to be set in place

3.3. Tend to struggle with transitions

4. Concepts

4.1. Hyperactivity

4.2. Aggression and Self injurious activities

4.3. Social Withdraw

4.4. Immaturity

4.5. Learning difficulties

5. By: Kacie Fischer, Lindsay Gudenrath, Kari Liermann, Jenna Petersen