What makes a good video?

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What makes a good video? 作者: Mind Map: What makes a good video?

1. Design

1.1. Silent?

1.1.1. Slower pace?

1.1.2. no friction from needing headphones

1.2. Function

1.3. Form

2. Context

2.1. On demand

2.2. Within a learning sequence

2.3. Audience

2.3.1. Staff

2.3.2. Students

3. Technical

3.1. We

3.2. A good balance of effects to help to get the message across. Too many pop ups or repeated zooming and panning can be distracting

4. Examples

4.1. Camtasia manuals

4.2. I'd really like to use or incorporate VideoScribe into one of my screencasts just because it looks like so much fun!

5. Engagement

5.1. Voice

5.1.1. well paced, fluid and synchronized

5.2. Presenter

5.2.1. Enthusiasm eg The Web of Knowlege

5.3. Humour

5.4. Music

6. Structure

6.1. Length

6.2. Any important steps - large and clear enough to read

7. Tips

7.1. A script and dry-run can help