Visualization tools

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Visualization tools 作者: Mind Map: Visualization tools

1. Videos

1.1. Definition

1.1.1. Visual multimedia source which combines a sequence of images to form a moving picture.

1.1.2. a recording of moving pictures and sound, especially as a digital file e.g. DVD

1.2. When to use it

1.2.1. demonstrate information

1.2.2. to help understand complex topics

1.3. Audience

1.3.1. almost for everyone who wants to learn more about a topic

1.3.2. students

1.3.3. lecturers

1.4. Pros

1.4.1. more memorable and enjoyable to create and review

1.4.2. Communicates more in less time

1.4.3. Provokes an emotional response

1.5. Cons

1.5.1. Good equipment needed for good audio quality etc.

1.5.2. costly

2. Powerpoint

2.1. Definition

2.1.1. complete presentation graphics program used to produce professional-looking documents

2.2. When to use it

2.2.1. presentation

2.2.2. speech

2.2.3. lectures

2.2.4. organizing big ideas

2.3. Audience

2.3.1. business employees

2.3.2. education employees (lecturers)

2.3.3. government employees

2.3.4. students

2.4. Pros

2.4.1. more interesting through use of multimedia

2.4.2. improves the audience's focus

2.5. Cons

2.5.1. Slides with too much information can become overwhelming.

2.5.2. people tend to focus too much on slideshow instead of emphasizing attention to audience

3. Infographics

3.1. Definition

3.1.1. representation of information in a graphic format designed to make data easily understandable

3.2. When to use it

3.2.1. quickly communicate a message

3.2.2. see data patterns and relationship

3.2.3. almost any public environment (traffic signs, subway maps)

3.3. Audience

3.3.1. used by all levels of management

3.3.2. students

3.3.3. lecturers

3.3.4. anyone who want to know about the information

3.4. Pros

3.4.1. turns complicated information into visual graphics that are easy to understand

3.4.2. information is easier to retain

3.5. information is easier to retain

3.5.1. information can still be misinterpreted

3.5.2. time consuming