Popular Yoga Styles

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Popular Yoga Styles 作者: Mind Map: Popular Yoga Styles

1. Iyengar

1.1. Focusses primarily on precision of alignment and uses props and various equipment to encourage this. Developed by B.K.S Iyengar in India

2. Astanga

2.1. Strong, flowing, and disciplined style developed by Pathabi Jois in India.

3. Bikram

3.1. Vigorous practice in a heated environment developed by Bikram Choudry in the USA

4. Anusara

4.1. A style currently gaining much momentum in the West based on the Tantric tradition and could be viewed as a refinement of both the Iyengar and Astanga traditions. Developed by John Friend in the USA

5. Vinyasa Flow

5.1. Much in common with Astanga but allowing for greater variation in practice

6. Hatha

6.1. Classical yoga. Not a style as such but the original of all physical yoga styles