Lauds policies/religious conformity

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Lauds policies/religious conformity 作者: Mind Map: Lauds policies/religious conformity

1. Sentenced to have ears mutilated & imprisoned for life

1.1. Laud opponents believed harsh sentences/ out of proportion for offences- attacks meeting of long parliament 1640

2. Puritans

2.1. opposed rituals/ priestly investments

2.2. wanted to purify services by promoting simplicity over ceremony

2.3. concerned for people's moral judgement

2.3.1. supported action against moral misbehavior

2.4. Belief in calvinist doctrine

2.4.1. God already chosen who would be saved

3. Arminianism

3.1. followed traditional catholic beliefs

3.1.1. free will- choice of individual whether to follow path of salvation.

3.2. promoted church services

3.2.1. involving rituals/formal ceremony

3.3. Laud prominent Arminian

4. Imposition of Laudism

4.1. Visitations by agents of bishops in their dioceses conducted more thoroughly

4.2. Use of church courts- Court of high commission

4.2.1. punish- fine/imprison those refusing to implement Laudism

5. Laud

5.1. 1633- Archbishop of Canterbury

5.2. imposed greater uniformity on church services

5.2.1. 1.) communion table moved to E end of church & railed off from congregation

5.2.2. 2.) Vestments & incense were to be used in services & hymns/ sacred music encouraged.

5.2.3. 3.) Stain- glassed windows to be installed in churches.

5.3. 1633- issued book of sports- allowed people to participate in individual sports/ pasttimes

5.4. Angered Puritans

5.4.1. Believed Laud moving Church in direction of Catholicism

5.4.2. They stressed outward forms of worship

6. By 1625 growing divisions within anglicanism about church's beliefs /practices

7. Discontent/opposition to Laudism

7.1. After 1633- thousands of clergy followers emigrated to American colonies.

7.2. opposition from many of the Gentry- strong Calvinist- Lauds innovations disrupting 'middle way'

7.3. 1637-Trial of Prynne, Bastwick & Burton-

7.3.1. MC professions charged with smuggling anti-Arminian tracts from aboard & publishing attacks on bishops