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#OSSIsBroken 作者: Mind Map: #OSSIsBroken

1. @CoralineAda

1.1. Negative Feedback

1.1.1. Trans shaming

1.1.2. Anti Female

1.2. Social Justice Warrior

2. History

2.1. OpenSource Movement

2.1.1. Phrase actually coined by a woman.

2.2. Software

2.2.1. Netscape Navigator

2.2.2. PHP

2.2.3. Linux

2.2.4. Apache

2.2.5. GNU

3. Utilitarianism

3.1. Tolerance of in-justice - so long as it contributes to the greater good

4. Broken value system

4.1. Code commits only

4.2. Hedonistic Calculus

4.3. Intelligence above all else?

4.4. Elite minority - homogenous consumers

4.5. Progress at all costs

4.6. Rationality above Humanity

5. Illusion of Equality

5.1. Pull requests

5.2. Gatekeeping

5.3. Conflict - as minorities try to join

6. Culture

6.1. Negative

6.1.1. Harassment

6.2. Male Dominated

7. Reality

7.1. Network effect

7.1.1. Group Think

7.2. Concentrations of power

7.2.1. Classism

7.3. No controls of community

7.4. Unaccepting of diversity?

8. Diversity

8.1. Women

8.1.1. 6% opensource

8.1.2. 20% of developers

9. Not valued

9.1. Soft contributions

9.1.1. Human centred talks

9.2. Codes of Conduct

10. How can we change?

10.1. Code of Conduct

10.2. Stay informed

10.3. Education

10.4. Stand up

10.5. Support organisations that make a difference

10.6. Set a good example

10.7. The Post-Meritocracy Manifesto