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Hyder Hussain 作者: Mind Map: Hyder Hussain

1. Professional info

1.1. Relate to my professioanl life, and any achevients and notices I would want to put here.

2. Home

2.1. My home page, will contan a photo of ASU

2.2. I also want a short about the website, since the about me will be on the about me page.

3. Course Projects

3.1. Digital Photo: I will talk about how digitaly editing photos is imporant in out professional lives, and we need to keep them in mind to see how valid resources are.

3.2. Graphic Desing/QR Code: Will be a QR code

3.3. Social Media PowerPoint: Mine will focus on the use of social media in the professional world

3.4. Google Form: A survey relating to the legal career

3.5. Infographic: a infographic maybe relating to schooling at University, or Law school.

3.6. Screencast: navigating my website, and social media.

3.7. Google products presentation: a product relating to my professional path/tbd.

3.8. Digital Story: A story relating to schooling at the university level.

3.9. Cover letter/Resume: My cover letter and resume for a career path.

4. Blog

4.1. A blog post relating to University schooling, or a legal career path that I want to pursue.

5. Contact

5.1. The contact page will have the contact form. I

5.2. Maybe ill add that map thing for the Contact page too, puting ASU as the map center.

6. Tag Line : A site for People pursuing Legal future/options