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Biology grade 7 作者: Mind Map: Biology grade 7

1. Arthropoda

1.1. Crustacea

1.2. Arachrid

1.3. Insect

2. Vertebrate

2.1. Fish

2.2. Bird

2.3. Amphibian

2.4. Reptile

2.5. Mammal

3. Animal evolution

3.1. Body structure

3.2. Reproduction

4. Animals and human

4.1. Biodiversity

4.2. Rare animals

4.3. Conservation

5. Roles and characteristics

6. Roles and characteristics

7. Heading

7.1. Diversity and abundance of zoological world.

7.2. Comparisons between animal and plant.

8. Protozoa

8.1. Representative

8.1.1. Flagellata

8.1.2. Paramecium

8.1.3. Amip

8.1.4. ...

8.2. Roles

8.3. Characteristics

9. Cnidaria

9.1. Representative

9.1.1. Hydra

9.1.2. Medusozoa

9.1.3. ...

9.2. Roles

9.3. Characteristics

9.4. Diversity

10. Plyla of worms

10.1. Platyhemythes

10.2. Nematoda

10.3. Anelida

11. Mollusca

11.1. Representatives

11.2. Roles

11.3. Characteristics

12. Roles and characteristics