Teenage Crime

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Teenage Crime 作者: Mind Map: Teenage Crime

1. Delinquency

1.1. https://www.nap.edu/read/9747/chapter/5

2. Juvenile

2.1. https://screenshots.firefox.com/BGcidJHplGJiWQtR https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=3943187&page=1

3. 1.The main idea of this book is to inform others about the development of delinquency. 2. The main purpose of this book is to inform the audience how delinquency develops and how it continues throughout a child's lifetime. 3. The authors target audience is most likely to parents who have teens, other researchers looking for more reliable informatioin and maybe even a teen looking to help themselves. 4. The rank of authority for this book out of the other two sources this one would be in second place because it is a published book with accurate information. 5. The timeline of this book is 2001 which is the most recent out of the other two sources so it is considered most timelu out of all of them. 6. The relevance of this book out of the other two sources is most relevant after the direct source one because the information is found from experts.

4. 1. The main idea of this news article is to inform others how experts linked teen brains immaturity' to juvenile crime. 2. the main purpose of this news article is to give the audience expertise advice on juvenile teen brains and what causes their actions and some solutions that can help prevent them. 3. The authors target audience is most likely yo parents who have teens, other researchers looking for more reliable information, and maybe even a juvenile teen looking for help. if affects the information presented because other might respond to this differently according to their personal experience. 4. The rank of authority for this news artilce out the other two sources this one would be in last place because it is a news article. 5. The timeline of this article is not applicable so it is considered least timely out of all of them. 6. The relevance of this article out of the other two sources is least relevant because it is a news article and things can easily be opinionated.

5. Family Structure

5.1. 140517NCJRS.pdf https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/Digitization/140517NCJRS.pdf

6. 1. The main idea of this article is to inform others that families Families serve as one of the strongest socializing forces in a person's life. 2. The main purpose of this article is to inform the audience about family life and delinquency and crime. 3. The authors target audience is most likely to parents who have delinquents, other researchers looking for more reliable information and maybe even teens looking to help themselves. 4. the rank of authority that this article holds is first place out of the other two sources because it come from a direct source which are the u.s. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs and the office of juvenile justice and delinquency prevention. 5. The timeline of this book is 1993 which is not the most recent but it is still a reliable source so it is timely. 6. the relevance of this book out of the other two sources is most relevant because as answered earlier in the questions this information comes from direct sources making it 100% accurate.