US History II Lessons Learned

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US History II Lessons Learned 作者: Mind Map: US History II Lessons Learned

1. ***Civil Rights:*** To what extent have the oppressed in America been able to attain an equality of life?

1.1. African Americans WWI/1920s

1.1.1. During times of war we always see civil rights improve because minorities are used to a greater extent

1.2. Womens progress 1920s

1.2.1. Rights gave women freedoms and they gained their independence

1.3. WW2

1.3.1. Disenfranchised groups are needed and want want to continue being needed in times when there is a connecting issue

1.4. Civil Rights protests

1.4.1. trying to stop protests only makes them more powerful

1.4.2. Non violent protests can bring attentions to events and make impacts without hurting anyone physically

1.5. Civil Rights Movement

1.5.1. When a radical idea is introduced to a group of individuals that have been the same for many years, they will be reluctant to change

1.6. Black Panther

1.6.1. If a movement is not making huge gains, it will need to involve more aggressive tactics

1.6.2. Taking on forces acting against you can be more difficult than you think, when you rise quickly you can fall just as quickly

1.7. Vietnam War

1.7.1. Before the Vietnam War many military men tried to flee and escape the possibility of needing to fight in war. They would try and enroll in college to escape the need to fight. Instead, many young men were forced to fight in the war. On top of that conditions while in Vietnam were awful. There was barely any food, it was dreadfully hot and men were forced to go out and fight in awful conditions. Then, when the soldiers finally returned home they were treated awful. People disrespected them by throwing things at them, sticking their middle finger up at them and protesting against the war. A lesson that can be learned from this is to abolish the draft and we can also learn to respect

2. ***Government:*** What is the role and responsibility of the American government?

2.1. Prohibition

2.1.1. Creating unpopular laws are hard to enforce

2.1.2. When the government tries to banned popular items, it's very costly and it doesn't work

2.2. Great Depression

2.2.1. When the New Deal was created it caused many disputes over what the president should and should not be able to do as a president.

2.2.2. During bad times peoples view become more radical (change)

2.2.3. During bad times people will start to favor more democrat or socialist forms of government

2.3. Causes of WW2

2.3.1. totalitarianism When one leader has too much power, they can do whatever they want if they are not challenged

2.4. WW2

2.4.1. Since Hitler was in power and kept pushing limits with persecution and no one stopped him he was able to continue what he was doing and kill many people

2.4.2. Pearl Harbor When a country attacks us, we must fight back to show our power and assert ourselves.

2.4.3. Battle of Berlin When two major powers are fighting in the same war, the apparent "winner" will look most powerful

2.5. the Great Society

2.5.1. when the government decreases taxes and creates large social programs, debt will increase.

3. ***Leaders & Presidents*** What makes an effective or ineffective leader?

3.1. Pivotal Battles in WW2

3.1.1. A military leader who is aggressive can only be stopped aggressively (appeasement does not work)

3.1.2. Having an "enemy" become an ally promotes competition and harder fighting but can lead to tension after war

3.2. WW2

3.2.1. Leaders like Hitler who are willing to fight until the end can be challenging to defeat

3.3. assassinations

3.3.1. just because you kill a person does not mean you kill all of the beliefs and ideas

3.4. Vietnam War

3.4.1. Richard Nixon was president at the time of the Vietnam War. In order to end the war Nixon created a plan called Vietnamization. His plan was to remove all american soldiers from Vietnam and replace them with South Vietnamize soldiers. He would distract the North while this replacement was going on with bombing. In the end his plan did not necessarily work as many innocent civilians died or were severely injured. And then on top of that Nixon lied to the public at home saying that it was a success. A lesson that can be learned here is to make sure leaders diligently review their plans. While something might make sense in your head allow others to input their opinion on your plans because sometimes, especially in this case with Nixon, it doesn't really make any sense at all.

4. ***Economics:*** How has economics impacted America & Americans?

4.1. Working Class

4.1.1. More time for leisure

4.2. Great Depression

4.2.1. When the new deal was created to fix the economic problems, it cost a lot of money and government debt increased.

4.2.2. Banks play a large role in a nation's economy, if the banks fail the economy will follow.

4.3. Great Depression

4.3.1. When wealth inequality is too high it caused the poor to become even more poor and the wealthy to stay wealthy.

4.3.2. If supply is much greater than the demand than the price will fall

4.3.3. If the value of something increases too fast it could create a bubble and "pop"

4.4. 1920s

4.4.1. Mass consumption Americans in more debt when buying more items

5. ***Foreign Relations*** How have foreign entanglements influence America?

5.1. WW1

5.1.1. When the U.S. is involved in world affairs to a large extent, it is hard to be neutral if a major conflict breaks out.

5.1.2. Forming allies can draw the country into a broader conflict

5.1.3. After creating the League of Nations America should have joined because by not joining it showed that the treaty is not effective therefore others would not join

5.2. WW2

5.2.1. Treaty of Versailles When there are unfair treaties it causes more disagreement and arguments. Don't blame an entire for war

5.3. WW1

5.3.1. Because we were already involved in world affairs before WW1 it was impossible to not get involved in WW1

5.3.2. After a conflict an effective treaty should be created to keep the peace and prevent future conflict

5.4. Great depression

5.4.1. during bad times governments may be able to focus on international affairs and conflicts

5.5. Cold War

5.5.1. Potsdam Conference When an alliance is formed with another country and a secret is kept, conflict will form

5.6. Vietnam War

5.6.1. The U.S. decided to get involved in war with Vietnam when the south was attacked by the north in Vietnam. It was America's duty to help serve and protect the south Vietnamese because they were in an alliance. A lesson that can be learned from this is simply to stay out of alliances and try to focus only on America. There really was no point in the Vietnam War, so if we just stay out of foreign affairs and foreign problems this war never would have happened.

6. ***Media*** To what extent does the media influence people? To what extent does the media mirror or reflect society?

6.1. WW2

6.1.1. the media, when necessary, can be manipulated to serve the greater good by influencing people to aid in war efforts

6.2. Emmett Till

6.2.1. Emmitt Till's open casket put in a perspective of the ways blacks were treated

6.3. Vietnam War

6.3.1. Media played a major role for the life of citizens back in America during this war. Televisions had just recently been invented, meaning this is the first war that was able to be live and aired back at home. Many Americans found it very uncomfortable with constantly knowing who had died in battle and what war life was really like. I think a lesson that can be learned from this is that it isn't necessarily good to know exactly what is happening in war at all times. War is not something that should be watched like a movie, it is something that is disturbing and she be fought about and forgotten, and not talked about 24/7.

7. ***Technology*** How does technology impact society?

7.1. !920s was a good time to live

7.1.1. Radio-connects us all as a country lets us have a culture

7.2. WWI Warfare

7.2.1. Due to all of the technological advancements before WWI it changes the way war is fought and the world as not ready for it.

7.3. WW2

7.3.1. New powerful weapons can quickly end war when one side has them

7.4. Cold War

7.4.1. Nuclear Race/H-Bomb When there is competition to have more advanced military, there is more threat for a possible attack.bombing

7.5. Vietnam War

7.5.1. During the Vietnam War the enemy was aware that our military was very young. In fact most of the men were under 21 years old. Because of this they used booby traps to try and scare off the naive, young men. This was a great tactic because it worked and less men were able to fight the enemy. A lesson that can be learned here is to prepare your military. I think America's military was very young, inexperienced and unprepared for this war and that was part of what led them to their defeat.

8. ***Migration*** What causes migration and how has it impacted America?

8.1. Great Migration/Harlem Reniassance

8.1.1. Immigrants liked to live in consolidated areas. This brings more cultural diversity to the country.