How does the TSM connect to aspects of the PYP - 9.6 Exhibition Journey

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How does the TSM connect to aspects of the PYP - 9.6 Exhibition Journey 作者: Mind Map: How does the TSM connect to aspects of the PYP - 9.6 Exhibition Journey

1. All exhibitions are student-initiated, student-designed and collaborative

2. The culmination of exhibition need not be a major event but a planned sharing of the learning process, feedback and reflections.

3. Learning communities start from a guided exhibition and move to a student-led exhibition.

4. Students co-design strategies and tools with teachers, mentors and peers to document and self-assess their learning and evaluate the success of exhibition.

5. Exhibition may be one of the six units or stand outside the programme of inquiry.

6. Exhibition is a powerful demonstration of student agency.

7. There are a variety of ways that exhibition can be organised, monitored and shared.

8. Exhibition is a co-constructed process involving students, teachers, mentors and the learning community.