My Digital Learning & Leading Journey

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My Digital Learning & Leading Journey 作者: Mind Map: My Digital Learning & Leading Journey

1. Concepts of Educational Tech: EDLD 5302

1.1. Growth Mindset Presenation

1.2. My Manifesto

2. Applying Educational Tech: Portfolio: EDLD 5303

2.1. My eportfolio

2.2. Learning Networks

3. Digital Learning in Local and Global Contexts: EDLD 5314

3.1. Blended Learning and STEAM Education Presentation

4. ​Assessing Digital Learning and Instruction: EDLD 5315

4.1. Action Research Plan

5. Resources Digital Environment: EDLD 5317

5.1. Article Media Pitch

5.2. Digital Resources

5.3. Article

6. Digital Citizenship: EDLD 5316

6.1. Digital Citizenship Journals

6.2. Digital Citizenship Video

6.3. Digital Citizenship Essay

7. Capstone: EDLD 5320

7.1. COVA & CSLE Journey

7.2. Updated Innovation Plan

7.3. Digital Learning & Leading Synthesis

8. Disruptive Innovation in Education: EDLD 5305

8.1. Innovation Plan

8.2. Literature Review

8.3. Implementation Outline

9. Leading Organizational Change: EDLD 5304

9.1. My Why

9.2. Vital Behaviors & 6 Source of Influence

9.3. 4DX

10. Create Significant Learning Environments: EDLD 5313

10.1. New Culture of Learning

10.2. Learning Philosophy

10.3. BHAG & 3 Column Table

10.4. UbD Template

10.5. Growth Mindset & Final Compilation

11. Instructional Design Online Learning: EDLD 5318

11.1. Instructional Design in Online Learning

11.2. Instructional Design in Online Learning Course Reflection

12. Effective Professional Learning: EDLD 5388

12.1. Professional Learning A Call to Action

12.2. Professional Learning Outline

12.3. Professional Learning Plan