Celebrate Recovery~ A 12 Step Program to help with addictions and compulsive behaviors, when live...

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Celebrate Recovery~ A 12 Step Program to help with addictions and compulsive behaviors, when lives have become unmanageable due to abuse or addiction 作者: Mind Map: Celebrate Recovery~ A 12 Step Program to help with addictions and compulsive behaviors, when lives have become unmanageable  due to abuse or addiction

1. Prompting is defined by Miltenberger (2016) as a strategy to “increase the likelihood that a person will engage in the correct behavior at the correct time” involving either behavior of trainer or environmental stimuli (p. 534).

1.1. counselor shows new recovering addict how to open up and then prompts them to talk openly about their addiction

1.2. counselor shares how life can be different in sobriety

2. Miltenberger (2016) calls this modeling. “Any demonstration of the correct behavior by another person that makes it more likely that the correct behavior will occur at the right time is a modeling prompt” (p.187).

2.1. Counselor models for new member how to work step one

2.2. Counselor models for new member how to find a sponsor

2.3. Counselor finds a sponsor and helps new member connect with the sponsor to help recovering addict stay sober

3. Miltenberger (2016), states that "Shaping is used to develop a target behavior that a person does not currently exhibit. Shaping is defined as the differential reinforcement of successive approximation of a target behavior until the person exhibits the target behavior" (p. 164).

3.1. Counselor helps new addict change their behavior by working the program one step at a time

3.2. Counselor shows how to avoid the pitfalls and talks about how to stay sober