Angela's roadmap

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Angela's roadmap 作者: Mind Map: Angela's roadmap

1. JS

1.1. Promises

1.1.1. Promises tutorial Async JS Crash Course - Callbacks, Promises, Async Await

1.2. Ternary operator

1.3. RegExp

1.4. NPM / Yarn

1.4.1. Yarn tutorial - Yarn Package Manager Crash Course

1.5. Node

1.6. AJAX

1.6.1. Axios

1.6.2. Try - Catch

1.6.3. JSON

1.6.4. AJAX Crash Course (Vanilla JavaScript)

1.7. ES6

1.7.1. Arrow functions preserving scope

1.7.2. Rest / Spread

1.7.3. Object / Array destructuring

1.7.4. Let, var, const

1.7.5. map

1.7.6. filter

1.7.7. forReach

1.7.8. reduce

1.7.9. classes

1.8. Scope

1.8.1. ES2015+ cheatsheet

1.8.2. Understanding Variable Scope & Closures Without Losing your Mind

1.9. Navigating DOM

1.9.1. QuerySelector

1.9.2. getElementsById

1.10. The Modern Javascript Tutorial


1.12. VanillaJS


1.13. throttle

1.14. debounce

1.15. prototypes and prototypal inheritance

1.16. Immutability


2. Twig

2.1. loops

2.2. conditionals

3. Emmet

3.1. CSS

3.2. HTML

3.3. Emmet For Faster HTML & CSS Workflow

4. Git

4.1. Tower

4.2. git clone

4.3. git push

4.4. git fetch

4.5. git pull

4.6. git add -p

4.7. git status

4.8. git stash

4.9. git commit -m ""

4.10. Git & GitHub Crash Course For Beginners

5. Fractal

5.1. Add a component

5.1.1. Config

5.1.2. Template

5.1.3. JS register components in index.js

5.1.4. Baseview

5.1.5. yo fractal-component

5.2. Component development checklist

5.2.1. Fractal component development process

6. CSS

6.1. Selectors

6.2. Specificity

6.3. Layouts

6.3.1. Grid

6.3.2. Flex

6.4. Cascade

6.5. Mobile first

6.6. 30 Seconds of CSS - Useful CSS snippets

6.7. BEM

6.7.1. BEM 101 | CSS-Tricks

7. Wordpress

7.1. Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)

7.2. Wordpress Template Development Process Checklist

8. Gulp

8.1. Minifying

8.2. Transpiling

8.3. SASS to CSS

9. Mindset

9.1. As simple as possible

9.2. Focus on value provided


9.4. Taking higher perspective on the tasks

9.5. Solve the problem first, then write the code

9.6. Problem solving techniques

9.7. KISS YAGNI & DRY Principles | iTexico

9.8. KISS, DRY, YAGNI and More. The 7 Acronyms Every Developer Should Know

9.9. How to think like a programmer -

9.10. Drawing flowcharts

9.10.1. Programming: Flowcharts

10. Browser

10.1. Rendering Performance  |  Web Fundamentals  |  Google Developers

10.2. Rendering process

10.2.1. Rendering Performance  |  Web Fundamentals  |  Google Developers

11. Docker

11.1. docker-compose up -d

12. Soft skills

12.1. How to handle frustration

12.2. Grow empathy

12.3. Understanding thinking of other departments (missions, skills, tools)

12.4. Teach others - (not only developers!)

12.4.1. how can the designers understand enough to think in a more compatible way? (understand constraints, possibilities, what choice impacts development)

12.5. capacity for code review (project+team+growth interest > personal preference / ego)

12.6. ratio effort/result

12.7. detach from tech

12.7.1. what’s important is to deliver value, onboard easily, avoid technical debt… not wether you chose the best latest trend stack

13. conditionals

14. SASS

14.1. Mixins

14.2. Variables

14.3. Nesting

14.4. "&"

14.5. "#{$variable}" - SASS interpolation

14.6. Fluid props

15. Vue.JS

15.1. Vuex

15.2. Vue router

15.3. Single File Components

16. Handlebars

16.1. loops

17. Bash

17.1. mkdir

17.2. touch

17.3. cd

17.4. rm

17.5. Learn the Command Line | Codecademy

18. PHP

19. HTTP

19.1. Types of requests

19.1.1. GET

19.1.2. POST

19.1.3. PUT

19.1.4. DELETE

20. HTML

20.1. Semantics

20.1.1. Avoiding div's HTML5 Semantic Elements

20.2. Accessibility

20.2.1. ARIA WAI-ARIA basics

21. SQL Databases

21.1. MySQL

22. Webpack

23. Chrome Developer Tools

23.1. console

23.1.1. console.log

23.1.2. console.dir

23.1.3. console.table

23.1.4. debugger

24. DOM

25. 3 mornings

25.1. VueJS and Javascript

25.1.1. VueJS learning the basics

25.1.2. VueX

25.1.3. JS AJAX ES6

25.1.4. yarn / npm scripts - quick walkthrough

25.1.5. Stuff surrounding JobTrek

25.1.6. Walkthrough and development process of a more complicated Vue component (feeling button for example)

25.1.7. Using Zeplin / Sketch workflow

25.1.8. Pair programming Pair program my task Pair program her task

25.2. Fractal component development

25.2.1. Twig

25.2.2. Handlebars

25.2.3. SASS

25.2.4. Walkthrough of fractal component development