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Classroom Management 作者: Mind Map: Classroom Management

1. Its main elements

1.1. Activities

1.1.1. -Setting up activities -Giving Instructions -Monitoring activities -Timing Activities -Bringing activities to an end

1.2. Grouping and Seating

1.2.1. -Forming groupings -Arranging and rearranging seatings -Decide where you will stand or sit -Reforming class as a whole group after activities

1.3. Authority

1.3.1. -Gathering and holding attention -Deciding who does what -Establishing or relinquishing authority as appropriate -Getting someone to do something

1.4. Critical Moments

1.4.1. -Starting the lesson -Dealing with unexpected problems -Maintaining appropriate -Finishing the lesson

1.5. Tools and Techniques

1.5.1. -Using classroom equipments -Using gestures to help clarify instructions -Speaking clearly at an appropriate speed -Using Silence -Grading complexity of language -Grading quantity of language

1.6. Working with People

1.6.1. -Spread attention evenly -Use intuition to gauge student's feelings -Eliciting honest feedback -Really listening to students

2. Tips

2.1. 1.-Take charge of the class

2.1.1. Get everyone's attention so class can start

2.2. 2.-Focus on disruptive students

2.2.1. Use nonverbal signs of disapproval to get their attention, or use their names and have them interact with the class, and in more extreme cases, discipline measures such as having them sit on another seat should be taken

2.3. 3.-Let students pick their seats

2.3.1. During the first week have them sit where they want, and once that time passess tell them to pick a seat that they shall keep for the rest of the year

2.4. 4.-Give incentives to do their best

2.4.1. Review student's assignments, even if they are ungraded, have consequences for a lack of effort or work

2.5. 5.-Keep an eye on students

2.5.1. Position yourself so you don't lose sight of the class, try to always be facing the students, be wary of objects that might block your view, change movement routines so disruptive students have a harder time interrupting you

2.6. 6.-Establish consequences for misbehaving

2.6.1. Determine effective consequences, notify students of the consequences and follow through with them if need be.

3. What is it?

3.1. Several items and skills, which are used to create the conditions in which learning can take place.

3.1.1. -Attitude -Intentions -Personality -Relationships -Organizational Skills

4. Its importance

4.1. The skills needed to manage a classroom can determine whether a course will be successful or not. It involves taking decisions that can lead to actions that help or slow down the progress of the class

5. Managing a Class

5.1. -Looking at classroom events constantly -Finding options -Making decisions -Proceed with the chosen action