Block Eliminator "What blocks me is..."

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Block Eliminator "What blocks me is..." 作者: Mind Map: Block Eliminator  "What blocks me is..."

1. Beliefs

1.1. Where did the belief come from?

1.2. Worksheet

1.3. Aligned TVP Beliefs

1.4. Exercise

1.4.1. 0.5 Rule

1.5. Is this serving my outcome?

2. Fear

2.1. Success

2.1.1. Responsibility Overwhelm Playing small

2.1.2. Are you afraid of losing someone? Friends / Famlily

2.1.3. Ego / Soul Material Cost ($8k Rent vs $2k Rent)

2.2. Failure

2.2.1. Reframing

2.2.2. What does 'Failure' Trigger Embarrassment

2.2.3. Perfectionism

2.2.4. Fail Forward Fast (FFF) "FUCK!!!! Your Way Through It"

2.3. Courage

2.3.1. Assertiveness & Agression (Val)

2.4. Rejection

2.5. Superior/Inferior

2.5.1. Why? Self-Worth

3. Triggers

3.1. Self-awareness

3.2. It's not you!

4. Toxicity

4.1. Boundaries

4.1.1. Knowing yourself

4.1.2. Non-Negotiables

4.1.3. Cutting emotional cords

4.1.4. Partial Match Vs Full Match

4.2. Environment Control

4.3. People pleaser syndrome

5. Your Body Knows

5.1. Body First, Head Second

5.2. 0.5 Rule

6. Putting On Your Mask First

7. (If No Change) Going Deeper

7.1. Plants

7.2. Landmark

7.3. Vipassana

8. Confidence

8.1. Driving

8.2. Lacking Confidence in what?

8.3. You are new at [BLANK]

8.4. Action

9. Your Rules

9.1. Your view on reality / how the world works

9.2. Who created your rules?

9.2.1. Parents?

10. Forgiveness

10.1. Shifting perspective

10.1.1. PP Worksheet

10.2. Front Loading

10.2.1. Face Value

10.3. Assumptions

10.4. Resentment

10.4.1. Meditation Scanner

10.5. Emotional Charges

10.5.1. Worksheet

11. Opinions Of Others

11.1. 100-1 Principle

12. Investments

12.1. Long & Short Return

12.2. Knowledge Activation

13. Blame

13.1. Accountability Ladder

13.1.1. Stories

13.2. Taking 100% Responsibilty

13.2.1. Worksheet

14. Fictional Dramatising

14.1. Stories

14.1.1. Worksheet

14.2. Front Loading

14.2.1. Only seeing at face value

14.3. Worksheet

15. Others

15.1. Why other people block

15.1.1. Keeping you close

15.1.2. Selfish

15.2. Fear transference

16. Money

16.1. Mentorship

16.2. Knowing My Worth

16.3. Confidence

16.4. Mastery

16.5. Sales

16.5.1. TT Business

17. Self-Sabotage

17.1. Connection Example

18. Self-Love

19. TVP BlockMapping

19.1. Create your own mindmap

20. Excuses