Articles a/an

Celvin Isaias Aparicio Ramirez

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Articles a/an 作者: Mind Map: Articles a/an

1. Note important

1.1. To determine if you should use a / an with a certain word you should check if your pronunciation starts with a vowel or consonant, do not be guided only by the way it is written

2. Article "a"

2.1. It is used before nouns that start with a consonant

2.2. Examples

2.2.1. - A dog - A person - A telephone - A notebook

2.3. Exceptions

2.3.1. is used with words that begin with vowel u and the combination eu in written form, but whose pronunciation has the sound / iu /. Examples: - A university - A european building

3. What are the articles?

3.1. It is the word that accompanies the noun and always goes before it. It is the word that always works as a determinant or identifier of the noun

4. The articles "a" and "an" are considered indefinite or indeterminate, this means that they refer to some individual of any class, species or gender without particularizing it or specifying it

5. Article "an"

5.1. It is used before nouns that start with a vowel

5.2. Examples

5.2.1. - An orange - An airplane - An apple

5.3. Exceptions

5.3.1. "an" is used before words that start with a consonant but the first SOUND of the word is a vocal sound. Example: - an hour - " honest person"

6. The articles are divided in two

6.1. Defined Articles

6.2. Indefined Articles

6.2.1. Indefinite articles are those that speak of something that is not known or can not be identified

7. Examples Complentary

7.1. A house (the h is pronounced as j / jaus /, so start with a consonant and use a)

7.2. A pencil (a because it starts with a consonant)

7.3. A train (a because it starts with a consonant)

7.4. An English book (an because it starts with a vowel)

7.5. A yellow bike (a because it starts with a consonant)