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Position 作者: Mind Map: Position

1. Knee On Belly Bottom

2. Side Control Bottom

2.1. Bridge and roll

3. Guard Top

3.1. Lambert pass

3.2. Stack

4. Side Control Top

4.1. Kimura

4.2. Americana

4.3. Head and arm choke

5. Knee On Belly Top

5.1. Far Side Arm Bar

5.2. Near Side Armbar

6. Mount

6.1. Ezekiel choke

7. North/South

8. Side Mount

9. Rear Mount Bottom

10. Turtle Bottom

10.1. Sit through

11. Mount Bottom

11.1. Get on side

11.2. Bridge and roll escape

12. Half Guard Bottom

12.1. Lockdown

13. Turtle Top

13.1. Ankle pick

14. Guard Bottom

14.1. Triangle

14.2. Guillotine

14.3. Armbar

14.4. Easy sweep

15. Half Guard Top

16. Rear Mount

16.1. Rear Naked Choke

16.1.1. Mata Leao

16.1.2. Short Choke

17. Kesa Gatame

18. Reverse Kesa Gatame