Knowledge Web Video: "Seeing in Black and White"

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Knowledge Web Video: "Seeing in Black and White" 作者: Mind Map: Knowledge Web Video: "Seeing in Black and White"

1. TWE does sense perception affect aesthetics?

2. KQ: What role do physical senses play in determining your sense perception?

2.1. Video: Did you know you have more than 5 senses?

3. KQ: To what extent does your body belong to you?

3.1. Video: Who has authority over your body? (Ethics, Natural Science, Language)

3.1.1. KQ: What's the relationship between knowledge and trust?

3.1.2. Ethics Committees

3.2. Video: Can artists use their own bodies for art? (Ethics, Art, Emotion)

3.2.1. Marina Abramovic's Rhythm 0

3.2.2. Taboos

3.2.3. Marc Quinn's blood sculptures

4. cyborg Neil Harbisson