Digital Citizenship

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Digital Citizenship 作者: Mind Map: Digital Citizenship

1. Digital Communication

1.1. Websites

1.2. Apps

1.3. Social Media

2. Digital Literacy

2.1. ind, evaluate, create, and communicate information

3. Digital Etiquette

3.1. Following school rules

3.2. Being kind and Considerate

4. Digital Rights & Responsibilities

5. Digital Security

5.1. Identity

5.2. Security

5.3. Usernames & Password

5.4. Firewall

5.5. Equipment

5.6. Logging off

5.7. Virus-Protection

5.8. Backing up data

6. Digital Access

6.1. Internet Access

7. Digital Commerce

7.1. Is the vendor reputable?

8. Digital Law

8.1. Citing sources

8.2. No downloading illegal music, movies, etc.

9. Digital Health & Wellness

9.1. Take a break from electronics