The Future of Food

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The Future of Food 作者: Mind Map: The Future of Food

1. Additives

1.1. Processes

1.1.1. Pickling

1.1.2. Salting

1.1.3. Sulfur Dioxide

1.1.4. Sweetening

1.2. hormones

1.3. chemicals

1.4. illness

1.5. Flavoring Agents

2. Bovine Growth Hormone

2.1. health

2.1.1. illness cancer (colon etc.)

2.2. big corporations

2.2.1. Monsanto Monopoly seed production (corn, soy etc.) GMO's

3. Diet

3.1. dietary restrictions

3.1.1. lactose intolerance

3.1.2. gluten intolerance

3.1.3. veganism

3.1.4. vegetarianism

3.1.5. Keto

3.2. food pyramid

3.2.1. malnourishment

3.2.2. nutritionally improved

3.2.3. My Plate guidelines

4. Change in Agricultural Practice

4.1. pastoral fantasy

4.1.1. marketing

4.2. no seasons in superparkets

4.2.1. ripened with ethelyne gas

4.3. resistance

4.3.1. pesticides

5. Meat Industry

5.1. husbandry

5.1.1. farming big industries ruining small farms

5.2. misleading

5.3. factories not a farm

5.4. ethics

5.4.1. treatment

5.5. feed

5.5.1. environment climate change shortage of food

6. Potential Future for us...

6.1. increased population (~9billion)

6.2. consumption > growth

6.2.1. increased uses of additives and hormones to speed production increased illness

6.2.2. more costly to produce and purchase food increased pollution