Why Observe?

mapa mental de recursos educativos abiertos.

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Why Observe? 作者: Mind Map: Why Observe?

1. Developing the skill of observing serves a dual purpose

2. It helps teachers again a better understanding of their teaching

3. While at the same time refines their ability to observe, analyze and interpret and ability wich can also be used to improve their own teaching

4. What is stake?

5. Presenta: Elena Lopez Hernandez 3º C

6. Team 2: WHY OBSERVE?

7. The teachers behaviours

8. Good performance and work with a students

9. Know if the activities planned with the students are being carried out

10. To observe process of learning and interaction as they occur through the lesson

11. Before, during and after the observation

12. Do not interrup the class and make a constructive observation

13. Feedback strategies

14. To improve teaching work in the classroom

15. For a teacher in training to learn from a professional teacher