Proof of membership via gates/scanner at Basic-Fit

马上开始. 它是免费的哦
注册 使用您的电邮地址
Proof of membership via gates/scanner at Basic-Fit 作者: Mind Map: Proof of membership via gates/scanner at Basic-Fit

1. Where

1.1. At the entrance before the changing room.

1.2. Groningen Westerhaven/antillenstraat.

1.3. Drachten.

2. When

2.1. Peak times during day, between 4 PM and 9 PM.

3. Who

3.1. Students.

4. Irritations

4.1. Difficult to enter.

4.2. Trouble with scanning membership card.

4.3. Enclosed area.

4.4. The procedure takes too long.

5. Why

5.1. To show that you are a registered member of Basic-Fit.

5.2. To prevent free riding.

5.3. To control the inflow of members.

6. Solution

6.1. (clearer) Sound cue when card is scanned.

6.2. (clearer) Visual cue when card is scanned.

6.3. Different scan system.