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dehydration 作者: Mind Map: dehydration

1. Treatments

1.1. Drink

1.1.1. Water

1.1.2. Gatorade

1.2. Drug

1.2.1. anti-diarrhea medicines.

1.2.2. anti-emetics (stop vomiting)

1.2.3. anti-fever medicines.

2. Causes

2.1. diarrhea

2.2. vomiting

2.3. sweating

3. Symptoms

3.1. first symptoms

3.1.1. thirst

3.1.2. darker urine

3.1.3. decreased urine production

3.2. medium

3.2.1. dry mouth

3.2.2. weakness in muscles

3.2.3. headache

3.3. Severe

3.3.1. low blood pressure

3.3.2. fever

3.3.3. unconsciousness

4. Complications

4.1. Low blood volume

4.2. Seizures

4.3. Kidney problems

4.4. Heat injury

5. Risk factors

5.1. Athletes

5.2. Chronically ill

5.3. Children and old people

6. Prevention

6.1. Foods with high water content

6.2. Avoid activities during extremely hot weather.

6.3. Take care of drinking water.

6.3.1. elderly

6.3.2. children