Operating System

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Operating System 作者: Mind Map: Operating System

1. Components

1.1. WIMP

1.1.1. Windows

1.1.2. Icons

1.1.3. Menus

1.1.4. Pointer

2. Interfaces

2.1. GUI

2.1.1. Grapgic User Interface Icons Standard

2.2. CLI

2.2.1. Command Line Interface Text

3. processor

3.1. ...

3.1.1. BIOS

4. Lower Level Tasks

4.1. ability to log on

4.1.1. Username

4.1.2. Password

4.2. Applications

4.2.1. Word Processors

4.2.2. Games,etc

4.3. Log off the system

4.4. New Hardware

4.4.1. Install

4.4.2. Upgrade

5. Types

5.1. Windows

5.2. Mac OS

5.3. Linux

5.4. Windows Mobile

5.5. Palm OS

5.6. RIM

5.7. Symbian SO

6. ...

6.1. Kernel