Shinsuke Muto

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Shinsuke Muto 作者: Mind Map: Shinsuke Muto

1. Career

1.1. Cardiologist

1.2. Interventionist

1.3. Home care specialist

1.4. Founder of health tech venture

1.5. Professor in internal medicine

2. Family

2.1. Wife

2.2. 13 year-old son

2.3. 11 year-old daughter

3. Place

3.1. Tokyo-based

3.2. Born in Saitama

3.3. Office in Singapore

3.4. Branches in Sendai, Osaka, and Fukuoka

4. Workplace

4.1. Tetsuyu Healthcare

4.1.1. President

4.2. Integrity Healthcare

4.2.1. Chairman, CEO

4.3. Community Healthcare Coordination Platform

4.3.1. Chairman

5. Hobby

5.1. Playing soccer with my son

5.2. Running

5.3. gym exercise

6. Educational background

6.1. The university of Tokyo

6.1.1. M.D.

6.1.2. Ph.D.

6.2. Weseda University

6.2.1. MBA


6.3.1. EMBA

6.4. Johns Hopkins

6.4.1. MPH

6.4.2. MS in healthcare management candidate