Periodic Table

Chemistry - Periodic Table

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Periodic Table 作者: Mind Map: Periodic Table

1. Metals

1.1. Left side of the periodic table

1.2. Usually exist as shiny solids

1.3. Good conductors

1.3.1. Heat

1.3.2. Electricity

1.4. Solid at room temperature

1.4.1. Except mercury (Hg) = liquid

2. Nonmetals

2.1. Right side of periodic table

2.2. Usually do not have shiny appearance

2.3. Poor conductors

2.3.1. Heat

2.3.2. Electricity

2.4. Room temperature

2.4.1. Solid Sulfur (S) Carbon (C)

2.4.2. Liquid Bromine (Br)

2.4.3. Gas Nitrogen (N) Oxygen (O)

3. Metalloids

3.1. Located on solid line

3.1.1. Starts on boron (B)

3.1.2. Angles down towards astatine (At)

3.2. Properties between metals and nonmetals

3.3. Only seven elements

3.3.1. Boron (B)

3.3.2. Silicon (Si)

3.3.3. Germanium (Ge)

3.3.4. Arsenic (As)

3.3.5. Antimony (Sb)

3.3.6. Tellurium (Te)

3.3.7. Astatine (At)