Recovery from Vigorous Exercise

GCSE PEMBy Bethany

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Recovery from Vigorous Exercise 作者: Mind Map: Recovery from Vigorous Exercise

1. Manipulation of Diet

1.1. Rubbing and kneading the muscles and joints with the hands

1.2. Increases blood flow to the sore area, speeding up the healing process and reducing pain.

1.3. Prevents muscle fatigue

1.4. Can reduce the swelling and stiffness in muscles

2. Cool Down

2.1. Help to prevent Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS).

2.2. This is the pain you feel in your muscles the day after intense exercise, as it can cause tiny tears in muscle fibres

2.3. The cold causes the blood vessels to constrict, forcing the lactic acid from the working muscles and reduce swelling.

2.4. Athlete sits in the ice bath for 5-20 minutes

2.5. When you get out of the ice bath, your blood vessels dilate and bring oxygenated blood in.

3. Ice Bath

3.1. Maintain elevated breathing rate/ heart rate (blood flow)

3.2. Stretching

3.3. Removal of lactic acid

3.4. Allows breathing and heart rate to return slowly to resting rates

3.5. Helps prevent dizziness or fainting

3.6. Prevents blood pooling(where the blood doesn’t move back to the heart from the legs)

3.7. It helps the body to remove lactic acid, to prevent DOMS, so you don’t feel stiff the next day

3.8. You need to maintain blood flow to the muscles – this replenishes them with oxygen.

4. Massage

4.1. Rehydrating and carbohydrates for energy

4.2. It is important to ensure that you replace lost fluids from sweating.

4.3. Lost minerals must also be replaced as they are lost in sweating

4.4. It is also important to replace energy used(glucose).

4.5. This can be in the form of carbohydrates.

4.6. Meal-replacement drinks can be used(flavoured milk).

4.7. Protein eaten after an exercise session, may help repair and build muscle.