Bootstrapping a Cluster whit Kubeadm Overview of kubeadm

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Bootstrapping a Cluster whit Kubeadm Overview of kubeadm 作者: Mind Map: Bootstrapping a Cluster  whit Kubeadm Overview of kubeadm

1. Securing cluster communications

1.1. API Server use for communication

2. Initiation the cluster

3. scheduler.conf

4. 1- Kubeadm int

5. 2 - Pre-Flight checks

5.1. Appropriate resources system

5.1.1. CPU

5.1.2. Memory

5.2. Correct Permissions

5.3. Pull images fo control plan

5.3.1. Runner in the Pods

5.4. Compatible CRI

5.4.1. automatic start

6. 3 - Creates a Certificate Authority

6.1. Authentication

6.1.1. Users

6.1.2. Kubelets

6.2. Cryptographic

6.3. Self signed CA

6.3.1. Storage in /etc/kubernetes/pki

6.4. External PKI

6.4.1. Certificate Management with kubeadm

6.5. Distributes to each Node

7. 4- Generates Kubeconfig files

7.1. Authentication the Components in API Server

7.2. Used to define how to connect to your cluster

7.2.1. Certificate information

7.2.2. Cluster location

7.3. /etc/kubernetes

7.3.1. admin.conf (kubernetes-admin) Administration account Super User in Kubernetes

7.3.2. kubelet.conf

7.3.3. Kubelet locate the API Server and present the correctly certificate client

7.3.4. controller-manager.conf

8. 5 - Generates Static Pod Manifest

8.1. Generate for Control Plan Pods

8.2. File system storage

8.3. kubelet monitors

8.3.1. Find manifest Start Statics Pods /etc/kubernetes/manifests etcd API Server Controller Manage Scheduler Monitored by the Kubelet and started automatically when the system starts and over tima

9. 6- Starts up the Control Plane

9.1. API Server Pod

9.2. ETCD Pod

10. 7 - Tainsts the Master

10.1. Never Scheduler User Pods in the Master Node

10.2. Only Scheduler System Pods

11. 8 - Generates a Bootstrap Token

11.1. Generates initialization token to join additional nodes in the cluster

12. 9 - Starts Add-On Pods: DNS and Kube-Proxy