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Coronavirus 作者: Mind Map: Coronavirus

1. What is a virus?

1.1. Is able to get sick us

1.2. A tiny germ

1.3. Need to live inside another creature

2. Where did the coronavirus come from?

2.1. It was first found in Wuhan

2.2. It comes from bats

2.3. A pangolin gave it to humans.

3. How does it make people sick?

3.1. By killing human cells

3.2. Through the cells in the nose and lungs

3.3. Can make it pneumonia.

4. How will I know if I get it?

4.1. There's a special test to see if you have COVID-19

4.2. If you have a fever

4.3. If you have a cough and shortness of breath

5. What is being done to keep us safe?

5.1. Cancel activities

5.2. Close schools to stop the virus from spreading

5.3. Scientists are trying to make a coronavirus vaccine