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Copy of Learning about the Predator/Prey relationship while building community through working together 作者: Mind Map: Copy of Learning about the Predator/Prey relationship while building community through working together

1. 1. Students will take notes in class about the differences between a predator and prey.

2. 2. Students will discuss factors as a class that might make the population numbers go up and down. Discussion would be directed toward finding enough food/not finding enough food. We would then discuss how both of these options could affect both side of the predator prey relationship. A pre-prepared excel spreadsheet will demonstrate how a predator population levels shifting according to the prey that was available for hunting over time in the form of a graph.

3. 3. Directions will then be given to students of how they will work together as a wolf pack to ensure their survival in finding enough pasta hidden in the grass to help all members survive. We will discuss the importance of working as a pack of wolves and how they hunt together and share the food.

4. Youtube video of ants creating a colony in 2 weeks time.: Is shown during importance of animals working together as a pack or a colony.

5. References to 'Have you read the book, the lion the witch and the wardrobe?" Discuss how the book might have ended if the siblings had not worked together and got all Narnia citizens to help to.

6. 4. Students will be divided randomly into groups to work with people they might never have worked with and proceed outside to complete the activity.

7. 5. Students come back in and count how much pasta they found and calculate the amount of calories each is worth to find out if all members survived.

8. 6. Students head back to seats to discuss their findings as a group as well as the importance of working together to accomplish their goal.

9. 7. Each student will then receive 5 questions to answer about the activity and their understanding of the lab activity.