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teenage pregnancy 作者: Mind Map: teenage pregnancy

1. Why is it a psychosocial problem?

1.1. it implies a higher risk of maternal mortality, fewer opportunities for education and, sometimes, the total abandonment of studies, as well as the strengthening of the circle of poverty and a greater risk of harm and infant mortality.

1.2. adolescent pregnancy tends to be concentrated in groups of the population that have inadequate health conditions for the mother and in which the mother does not have the necessary support and care. This suggests that the risk of having a child before the age of 19 is not only due to biological reasons, but also to the social conditions in which the pregnancy develops

2. symptoms

2.1. lack of menstrual period. exhaustion. increased breast size. abdominal distension. nausea and vomiting dizziness and fainting.

3. the main cause is having sex without the use of contraceptive methods, or a wrong or mistaken use of them

4. Various studies indicate that more than 50 percent of young people under the age of 17 are sexually active. This phenomenon is called early sexuality in numerous documents, and implies risks of a pregnancy, desired or unwanted, with negative consequences in the short and long term for adolescent women.

5. It is that pregnancy that occurs in girls and adolescents between 10 and 19 years old. It is the moment in which the physique of these little women begin to produce changes, they develop, although it is not to say that they are prepared to have a pregnancy and even less to take care of a child

6. What solutions are proposed to avoid the problem of teenage pregnancy?

6.1. ABSTINENCE: Inciting teens not to have sex

6.2. COMMUNICATION: to have confidence and approach to parents and children so that together they seek advice and adequate information on the subject

6.3. INFORMATION: receive information on sexual, reproductive and sexual health

6.4. ORIENTATION: to know the contraceptive methods to prevent pregnancy

6.5. VICES: do not consume alcohol or drugs to avoid losing control when you are with your partner

6.6. VALUES: promoting personal values such as respect for your body, for life, for the decisions of others. to the exercise of sexuality