Do you agree that city life is becoming increasingly unattractive?

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Do you agree that city life is becoming increasingly unattractive? 作者: Mind Map: Do you agree that city life is becoming increasingly unattractive?

1. agree.

1.1. busy lifesyle

1.1.1. fast food as solution for not enough time to eat proper meals fast food unhealthy for our body

1.1.2. no time to spend time with family technology taking over normal face-to-face conversation lack concern of one another

1.1.3. work from morning to night. very stress. work very intense as well hectic much time to really relax and enjoy.

1.2. high cost of living

1.2.1. pay more for food, housing...etc

1.3. increased competition for jobs

1.3.1. need to find ways to be better than others study harder, need to get at least a degree

1.4. everything becomes a daily routine

1.4.1. bored after some time

1.5. overcrowding

1.5.1. need to squeeze with others when in shopping malls

1.5.2. virus is easily spread

1.6. not much nice scenery of the nature to enjoy

1.6.1. land make way for the construction of buildings,housing flats and shopping malls

1.7. air pollution

2. disagree.why?

2.1. easily accessible to daily necessities eg. food

2.1.1. making it convienent

2.2. easy to travel around

2.2.1. public transport system

2.3. high-pay jobs

2.3.1. attract people to work for a living and stay there

2.4. city is a place where people work, live and play

2.4.1. Places of amusement like cinemas, museums, zoo and hospital places

2.4.2. entertainment such as arcade, cinemas

2.5. beautiful and creative buildings design