The Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health

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The Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health 作者: Mind Map: The Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health

1. Education & Training

1.1. Training for other service providers to better understand and contribute to indigenous health services & creation of safe spaces

1.2. Residential school exhibit: permanent exhibit that provides students and community members a chance to learn about history through an Aboriginal lens

1.3. Participation in research studies that address major Aboriginal health concerns (Indigenous health equity, mental wellness for Indigenous youth)

2. Wabano is a critical service in Ottawa

2.1. Over 30% of Ottawa's Indigenous community accesses services from Wabano

2.2. Aboriginal pride is flourishing and is now better understood and supported by the broader community

2.3. Key partner: part of the extensive network of health care, social services, youth engagement and support, and mental health service and other partners in the Ottawa region, that together address the many challenges of our citizens at risk

2.4. About the Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health

3. Supporting a marginalized community

3.1. Wabano specifically addresses needs of the marginalized Indigenous community

3.2. Provides a culture of caring and supports for vast health needs specifically tailored to using the traditional and cultural Aboriginal approach

3.3. Safe space

3.4. Culturally responsive programming

4. Vision & Beliefs

4.1. Place of belonging & caring for Ottawa's Aboriginal population. Designed around the belief that body, mind, emotions and spirit must all be cared for.

4.2. Full medical clinic, mental health clinic, community and cultural programs.

4.3. Culture is conscious across Wabano: Culture is treatment and is integrated across all aspects of their work.

4.4. Wabano is an Indigenous Centre for Excellence in Health Service (20+ years of holistic health care needs for FNIM people in the Ottawa region.

5. Programs Offered:

5.1. Adult & seniors

5.1.1. grief healing, language classes, traditional healing art therapy, sisters in recovery, news beginnings.

5.2. Children & youth

5.2.1. Camps, PD days, craft & jewellery making, Early years program, after school activities, Kindergym, youth program, youth justice, circle of care

5.3. Community

5.3.1. Community kitchen, seasonal teachings, culture night, housing Services, legal/social assistance services

5.4. Families & parents

5.4.1. Pre & post natal care, traditional parenting program, strong families: strong connections

5.5. Health

5.5.1. Sexual health clinic, FAS program, Diabetes education, addiction services

5.6. Mental wellness

5.6.1. pain management group, art therapy, grief healing, therapy circles, counselling

5.7. Indigenous recovery circles