Environmentalism is a lost cause in our consumerist world.

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Environmentalism is a lost cause in our consumerist world. 作者: Mind Map: Environmentalism is a lost cause in our consumerist world.

1. non-governmental organisation

2. Inter-governmental organisation (IGOs)

2.1. IGOs like the United Nations (UN) have played their part in trying to reduce environmental issues like global warming but are unable to get everybody to come alogn with the plan

3. Individuals

3.1. Nowadays, people focus on personal convenience rather than society's welfare.

3.1.1. People do not think of consequences of their actions, such as when they throw away old products in favour of up-to-date ones. They choose to ignore the facts that other people in other parts of the world are suffering because of their actions e.g. factories emitting greenhouse gases as they engage in large-scale production of goods for people in middle-classes and higher.

3.2. Individuals think that they do not have the means or resources to make a large-scale impact on society on the whole

3.2.1. They are influenced by materialistic people around them, afraid to be looked down upon by society, so they conform to society's inclination towards consumerism. People think that consumerism is necessary to boost their self-esteem, to define their social status and thus make them happy. People forget about the impact they have on the environment when they pursue materialism.

4. Corporations

4.1. Corporations are profit-maximizing,

4.1.1. Green products usually have higher cost compare the non-environmental friendly products. This is because green product requires higher standard of technology to produce Therefore corporations wuold choose to produce the non-green products, which contains toxic substances and pollutants, to minimize the cost of production A cursory glance around some shopping sites at laundry detergent shows that the green detergent we use, Mrs. Meyers, comes in at $0.20 per fluid oz, while another green product, Seventh Generation, comes in at $0.14 per fluid ounce. However, All 2X Concentrated Laundry Detergent(non-green) comes in at roughly $0.09 per fluid ounce.

4.1.2. Reducing the pollutants in by-products incurs additional cost, and the cost is not low. Therefor corporations would have little incentive to gp green In May 2002, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) released an extensive report saying that, “there was a growing gap between the efforts to reduce the impact of business and industry on nature and the worsening state of the planet” and that “this gap is due to the fact that only a small number of companies in each industry are actively integrating social and environmental factors into business decisions.” (The actual quote is from a U.N. News Centre article, 15 May 2002 that introduces the report.)

5. Governments

5.1. the government aims to boost the economy and social welfare of the country

5.1.1. Through this process, they neglet all damage they will do to the environment They focus on the secondary industry, manufacturing, over the primary industry, agrilculture Manufacturing factories produce high amounts of greenhouse gases and other harmful gases along with toxic waste dumped into water bodies when this happens, urbanization occurs and as a result, deforestation, which results in less carbon dioxide being removed from the environment and high amounts of greenhouse gases being present and global warming occurs