UCC Maths Hub

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UCC Maths Hub 作者: Mind Map: UCC Maths Hub

1. Scheme of work

1.1. Student friendly language

1.2. Links to relevant resources on Mathsduck. Mymaths etc

2. Class blogs

2.1. Use with individual classes

2.2. Managed by class teachers

3. Links to key sites

3.1. Mymaths

4. Department information

4.1. Calendar

4.2. Policies?

4.3. Teachers mini bios

5. Mathsearch.co.uk

5.1. Search engine

5.2. Searches hand picked maths websites

6. Mathsduck.co.uk

6.1. Revision materials

6.2. Revision advice

7. Maths Wiki

7.1. Lesson tasks

7.2. Surveys and data collection

8. Suggested resources

8.1. Software?

8.2. Revision books etc