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HOPS 作者: Mind Map: HOPS

1. History

1.1. Def: this is were you ask all the questions about the patient to understand what happened and their past injuries

1.2. 1. what happened

1.2.1. 6. where dose it hurt

1.3. 2. have you hurt this before

1.3.1. 7. whats the pain level

1.4. 3.can you move this

1.4.1. 8. did it swell

1.5. 4. did you hear a pop

1.5.1. 9. did you ice it

1.6. 5. how did you fall

1.6.1. 10.where did this happen

2. Observation

2.1. Def: what do you see in the ingury

2.2. 1. swelling

2.2.1. 2.bruising

2.3. 3.temp

2.3.1. 4.facial expression

2.4. 5.if they are protecting it

2.4.1. 6. where on the body

2.5. 7. can they move it

2.5.1. 8 how they act if you go to touch it

2.6. 9.limping

2.6.1. 10. tears of pain

3. Palpation

3.1. Def: getting a feel of the injury and the area around it

3.2. 1. light

3.2.1. 2.deep

3.3. 3. joint

3.3.1. 4. chest

3.4. 5. abdominal

3.4.1. 6.neck

3.5. 7. head

3.5.1. 8. bone

3.6. 9. muscle

3.6.1. 10. knee

4. Special test

4.1. Def: to identify the injury we do certain test to try to see whats wrong

4.2. goniometer : a way to accurately measure the movement of a certain body part

4.3. Range of motion: how far you can move the body part

4.4. 1. adams forward bend test

4.4.1. 2.Adductor Squeeze Test.

4.5. 3.Adsons Test.

4.5.1. 4.Allinghams Test.

4.6. 5.Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury.

4.6.1. 6.Anterior Drawer of the Ankle.

4.7. 7.Anterior drawer test of the knee.

4.7.1. 8.Anterior Drawer Test Of The Shoulder.

4.8. 9.Neer's test

4.8.1. 10.positive Hawkins test