Seven Habits of Successful Students (Aguilar Cortés Itzayana-Inglés 7)

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Seven Habits of Successful Students (Aguilar Cortés Itzayana-Inglés 7) 作者: Mind Map: Seven Habits of Successful Students (Aguilar Cortés Itzayana-Inglés 7)

1. Passion

1.1. normal to not be sure

1.1.1. choosing a major area

1.2. change their major

1.3. process of discovering their passion

1.4. source of energy and motivation

1.4.1. for academic work

2. Social Support

2.1. are involved with other people

2.2. spend time with their friends

2.3. energy

2.3.1. important relationships

2.4. utilize formal study groups

2.5. teach each other a lot

2.5.1. socialize

2.5.2. talk courses over coffee

3. Talk to Professors

3.1. talk to professors

3.1.1. six weeks of classes stay in university

3.2. sure to start talking

3.3. courses more interesting

3.4. class requirements

3.5. say Hello!

3.6. questions after class

3.6.1. pay attention

3.6.2. ask questions

3.7. posted office hours

3.8. ask questions in class

4. Organization

4.1. no right way

4.1.1. to be organized

4.2. different people

4.2.1. different approaches

4.3. experiment

4.3.1. system that works for you

5. Strategic & Resourceful

5.1. thinking about upcoming demands

5.2. taking advantage of available resources

5.3. internal resourcefulness

5.4. ask for help

5.5. services available

5.5.1. help with concerns

5.6. learning

5.6.1. OK to ask for assistance

6. Balance

6.1. mother - right

6.1.1. sleep

6.1.2. exercise

6.1.3. eat properly

6.1.4. spend time family and friends interests

6.2. keep energy up

6.2.1. important parts of your life

7. Committed

7.1. commitment

7.1.1. successful

7.2. commitment to yourself

7.2.1. successful university experience