IA Experimental Study Checklist

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IA Experimental Study Checklist 作者: Mind Map: IA Experimental Study  Checklist

1. E Results Descriptive

1.1. clearly stated

1.2. descriptive statistics

1.3. graph of results is accurate

2. F Results Inferential

2.1. inferential test chosen

2.2. null hypothesis accept or reject?

2.3. statement of statistical significance

3. G Discussion

3.1. results discussion well developed

3.2. links to background studies

3.3. limitations of design considered

3.4. modifications suggested

4. I Report Format

4.1. 1500-2000 words

4.2. appendices labelled

4.3. abstract clearly written

4.3.1. summary overview

4.3.2. results mentioned

5. A Introduction

5.1. Adequately Explained

5.2. Hypotheses - Experimental and Null

5.3. Prediction Made

5.4. Brief justification - naming key studies

6. B Method Design

6.1. Independent Variable IV

6.2. Dependent Variable DV

6.3. Ethical Guidelines

6.4. Accurate identification and Justification

7. C Method Participants

7.1. characteristics identified

7.2. target population appropriate

8. D Method Procedure

8.1. Procedure information included

8.2. ethical guideline applied

8.3. necessary materials referenced