Life on the Goldfields

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Life on the Goldfields 作者: Mind Map: Life on the Goldfields

1. Clothing

1.1. diggers

1.1.1. trouses held up by braces

1.1.2. long sleeved shirts with the sleeves rolled up

1.1.3. leather work boots

1.1.4. wide-brimed hat

1.2. women

1.2.1. long skirts

1.2.2. long sleeves

1.2.3. lace-up or button-up bodices and boots

1.2.4. bonnet

2. Food

2.1. mutton

2.2. damper

2.3. tea

3. Home

3.1. tents

3.2. huts

4. Life of Children

4.1. help parents looking for gold

4.2. carried wood

4.3. looked after tents or huts

4.4. cared for horses

4.5. fossicked leftover gravel and sand

5. Schooling

5.1. started in tents

5.2. education standard not high

6. Entertainment

6.1. dancing

6.2. singing

6.3. acting

6.4. story telling

6.5. listening to intruments

6.6. professional entertainers to entertain