Visco-elastic Modelling

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Visco-elastic Modelling 作者: Mind Map: Visco-elastic Modelling

1. Introduction

1.1. Importance of viscoelastic fluids

1.2. Other non-newtonian fluids: Viscoplasticity

1.3. Difficulty to model/characterise a non-newtonian fluid

1.4. Theoretical models vs Simulation

1.5. SPH as an alternative method for visco-elastic modelling

2. Theory and Concepts Background

2.1. Basic Concepts Rheology

2.2. Viscoelastic vs Viscoplastic

2.2.1. Models for Viscoelastic Fluids

2.2.2. Models for Viscoplastic Fluids

2.3. Characterisation tests: Creep and Recovery

2.4. Characterisation tests: Forced Oscillation

3. Modelling Visco-elasticity with Lammps - SPH

3.1. What is lammps

3.2. SPH technique basic concepts

3.3. Potentials, pair styles and equivalences

4. Numerical experiments

4.1. Numerical experiments of simple conceptual models

4.2. Forced Oscillation Parallel Flow Experiments

4.3. Pipe flow experiments

5. Summary of use of SPH-Lammps for viscoelastic behaviour modelling