Global Warming

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Global Warming 作者: Mind Map: Global Warming

1. Solutions

1.1. Use national energy

1.2. Solar energy

1.3. Wind power

1.4. Stop the pollution

1.5. Reduce human mode (pollution/waste)

1.6. Be aware of reality

2. Rôle of Greta

2.1. Who ?

2.1.1. The youth

2.2. Where ?

2.2.1. In the world

2.3. How ?

2.3.1. Event

2.4. Greta's mode of action

2.4.1. Strikes

3. Causes

3.1. Agriculture

3.2. Car funest

3.3. Forest burning

3.4. Industrial progress

3.5. Oil production

3.6. Burning of fossil fuels

3.7. Land

3.7.1. files

3.7.2. transports

3.8. Crop burning

4. Conséquences

4.1. To raise

4.2. Rise in sea level and temperatures

4.3. Huricanes, storms, typhons

4.4. Iceberg are melting

4.5. Hydrological, cycle destroyed

4.6. Heavy rainfals

4.7. Severe floods and droughts