My plan to stay relevant in the transportation engineering industry

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My plan to stay relevant in the transportation engineering industry 作者: Mind Map: My plan to stay relevant in the transportation engineering industry

1. Experiences from work and school to build on

2. Industry skills

2.1. Client relationships

2.2. Presenting to stakeholders

2.3. Project management

2.4. Design styles

2.4.1. Innovative

2.4.2. Thorough

3. Future problems

3.1. Climate change

3.1.1. Greenhouse gas emissions

3.2. Population growth

3.2.1. Congestion

3.2.2. Urban sprawl

3.3. Emerging tech

3.3.1. Autonomous vehicles

3.3.2. Electric vehicles

4. PD6

5. Work/School experience

5.1. Interview

5.1.1. Dragon slayer stories

5.2. Design projects

5.2.1. FYDP

5.2.2. Workterm report

6. Problem solving styles

6.1. Divergent

6.2. Convergent

7. ID killer problems

8. Generating solutions

9. Solution selection

10. Communication

10.1. Difficult conversations

11. Implementing solutions

12. Each style is suited for an in demand solution, combining both will be valuable

13. Managing relationship with client is crucial in consulting engineering, this can lead to difficult conversations when challenges arise

14. UNIT 3-7

15. Most design project situations in my academic experience follow the procedure of problem solving laid out by PD6 very well

16. Reference article highlights several interesting issues in transportation engineering and their interconnectedness. New exciting technology potentially making existing problems worse.

17. Dragon slayer stories are a great opportunity in interviews to communicate skills

18. Emerging topics in transportation engineering that could opportunities for problem solving

19. Skills that need to be developed to become more successful in the industry