Artistic Globalization

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Artistic Globalization 作者: Mind Map: Artistic Globalization

1. The Art World

1.1. "Taste classifies...and classifies the classifier" - Pierre Bourdieu

1.2. Collecting: "the process of actively, selectively, and passionately acquiring and possessing things removed from ordinary use and perceived as part of a set of non-identical objects or experiences" (Burt 167)

2. The Exotic Primitive

2.1. Ethnographic present: a description of a culture as it was prior to contact with colonial nations

2.2. "While all societies define their own cultural identity by contrast to exotic others, the Western tradition does so in particular ways, with an underlying assumption of superiority deriving from a history of colonial mastery" (Burt 173).

3. Marketing the Exotic

3.1. Molly Lee's 3 types of collector culture (1999)

3.1.1. Tourist

3.1.2. Basket Collector

3.1.3. Special access collector

3.2. Nelson Graburn's guideline of art forms

3.2.1. Traditional or functional fine arts

3.2.2. Commercial fine arts

3.2.3. Souvenirs

3.2.4. Reintegrated arts

3.2.5. Assimilated Art

3.2.6. Popular Art

4. Artistic Colonialism

4.1. Artistic hegemony: unequal relations between powerful metropolitan and peripheral local communities

4.2. Nelson Graburn summarizes the problem: "ethnic artists everywhere in the world continue to be subjected to immense pressures to create only those arts (and crafts) that cater to the image desired by the mainstream art market" (Burt 219).

5. The Global and the Local

5.1. Core countries versus periphery countries: industrialized former colonial states that dominate the world economic system, versus, least developed and least powerful nations

5.2. "All that is solid melts into air, all that is sacred becomes profane" -Karl Marx