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1. Java Class and Object

1.1. OOP

1.2. object & class

1.3. constructor

2. Loop and Array

2.1. array

2.2. declaration syntax

2.3. array java & array js

2.4. loop

3. Java Abstract Class & Interface

3.1. abstract class

3.2. abstraction

3.3. interface

3.4. object oriented design

4. Java Method

4.1. parameters

4.2. structure of method

4.3. method

5. DSA: List

5.1. linked list

5.2. array list

6. Java Collection Framework

6.1. data structures

6.2. comparator

6.3. comparable

7. Sort Algorithm

7.1. bubble sort

7.2. selection sort

7.3. insertion sort

8. IO: Text File

8.1. character stream

8.2. buffer writer

8.3. buffer reader

9. String & Regex

9.1. regular expression

9.2. string

9.3. g

10. Java Overview

10.1. java

10.2. why java

10.3. java platform


10.5. data type

11. Java Inheritance & Polymorphism

11.1. inheritance

11.2. object class

11.3. casting

11.4. final keyword

11.5. polymorphism

11.6. super keyword

12. Java Encapsulation

12.1. static

12.2. binding when using static

12.3. variables in java

12.4. encapsulation

12.5. access modifier

13. Clean Code & Refactoring

13.1. clean code

13.2. refactoring

14. DSA: Stack, Queue

14.1. stack

14.2. queue

14.3. tree data structure

14.4. binary search tree

15. Search Algorithm

15.1. binary search

15.2. linear search

15.3. complexity of the algorithm

16. Exception & Debug

16.1. checked & unchecked exception

16.2. try & catch

16.3. throws & throw

17. IO: Binary File & Serialization

17.1. byte stream

17.2. serialization


18.1. single responsibility principle

18.2. open/closed principle

18.3. liskov substitution principle

18.4. interface segregation principle

18.5. dependency inversion principle