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1. Paper 4: Speaking (16 minutes).

1.1. Part 1

1.1.1. 2 minutes

1.1.2. Interview, interlocutor-candidates.

1.2. Part 2

1.2.1. 4 minutes

1.2.2. Decision-making task. Candidates are given written and visual prompts.

1.3. Part 3

1.3.1. 10 minutes in total

1.3.2. Long turn and discussion.

2. Paper 3: Listening (40 minutes).

2.1. One mark for each correct answer

2.2. Part 1

2.2.1. 6 Multiple-choice questions

2.2.2. To practise: Listening for gist, detail, function, purpose, topic, speaker, addressee, feeling, attitude, opinion, etc.

2.3. Part 2

2.3.1. 9 Sentence completion questions

2.3.2. To practise: Listening for specific information, stated opinion.

2.4. Part 3

2.4.1. 5 Multiple-choice questions

2.4.2. To practise: Listening for opinion, gist, detail, inference.

2.5. Part 4

2.5.1. 10 Multiple matching questions

2.5.2. To practise: Gist, attitude, main points, interpreting context.

3. Paper 1: Reading and Use of English (1 hour 30 minutes).

3.1. Parts

3.2. 1. Multiple-choice cloze

3.2.1. 8 questions 1 mark for each correct answer

3.2.2. You must choose one word or phrase from a set of four to fill each gap. To practise: Idioms, collocations, fixed phrases, complementation, phrasal verbs, semantic precision.

3.3. 2. Open cloze

3.3.1. 8 questions 1 mark for each correct answer

3.3.2. You must complete a text with eight gaps using only one word in each gap. To practise: Awareness and control of grammar with some focus on vocabulary.

3.4. 3. Word formation

3.4.1. 8 questions 1 mark for each correct answer

3.4.2. You need to use the right form of a given word to fill each of eight gaps in a text. To practise: Vocabulary, in particular the use of affixation, internal changes and compounding in word formation.

3.5. 4. Key word transformations

3.5.1. 6 questions Up to 2 marks for each correct answer

3.5.2. You must complete a sentence with a given word, so that it means the same as the first sentence. To practise: Grammar, vocabulary and collocation.

3.6. 5. Multiple-choice text

3.6.1. 6 questions 2 marks for each correct answer

3.6.2. You must read a text and answer the questions by finding the relevant information in the text. To practise: Identifying detail, opinion, attitude, tone, purpose, main idea, implication and how a text is organised.

3.7. 6. Gapped text

3.7.1. 7 questions 2 marks for each correct answer

3.7.2. You must read a text from which paragraphs have been removed. You need to decide from where in the text the paragraphs have been removed. To practise: Understanding of cohesion, coherence, text structure, global meaning.

3.8. 7. Multiple matching

3.8.1. 10 questions 1 mark for each correct answer

3.8.2. A text, or several short texts, preceded by multiple-matching questions. You must match a prompt to elements in the text. To practise: Understanding of detail, opinion, attitude and specific information.

4. Paper 2: Writing (1 hour 30 minutes).

4.1. Part 1

4.1.1. 1 compulsory task

4.1.2. You are given two texts, and you must write an essay summarising and evaluating the key ideas contained in the texts. 240-280 words.

4.2. Part 2

4.2.1. Choose 1 question from a choice of 4

4.2.2. You will have to choose what to write: a letter, an article, a report or a review. 280-320 words

5. General information

5.1. CEFR level: C2

5.2. Scale score: 200–230

5.3. Test format: Computer or paper-based

5.4. 4 papers in total

5.5. Exam length: About 4 hours