Reasons Students Plagiarise

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Reasons Students Plagiarise 作者: Mind Map: Reasons Students Plagiarise

1. Topic / understanding of task

2. Time management

2.1. Procrastination

2.2. Study habits

2.3. Planning skills

2.4. Management of workload

3. Assignment /assessment design

3.1. Authenticity

3.2. Consistency of grading

3.3. Scheduling

3.4. Appropriate 'level'

3.5. Incremental

3.6. Instructions / expectations

3.7. Video:

3.8. Assessment in HE site

3.9. Fundamentals of effective assessment

4. Awareness

4.1. Consequences

4.2. Effect on learning

4.3. Ethics

4.4. Of what plagiarism is

4.5. How to check

4.5.1. Online checker

4.6. Misunderstanding

4.7. Break down of skills

4.8. Uncertainty of difference between collaboration, collusion & copying

5. Academic literacy skills

5.1. Referencing tools

5.2. Research skills

5.3. Critical thinking skills

5.4. Academic writing

5.5. Referencing conventions

5.5.1. How to - text

5.6. Notetaking

5.7. Paraphrasing / summarising

5.8. Argumentation / writing skills

5.9. Vocabulary

6. Confidence level / voice

6.1. Intimidated

6.2. 'Expert' syndrome

6.3. Value placed on contribution

7. Motivation / engagement

7.1. Value placed on creativity / originality

7.2. Prioritisation

7.3. 'Policing' without support given

7.4. Stress management

7.5. Disinterest / laziness

8. Performance anxiety

8.1. Pressure to pass

8.2. Competitivess

9. Education background

9.1. Culture

9.2. Skill focus

10. Availability of resources

10.1. Collusion

10.2. Internet

10.3. 'Papermills'

11. Intent

11.1. Intentional plagiarism

11.2. Unintentional plagiarism

11.3. Peer pressure

11.4. Beliefs & attitudes

12. The language of study

12.1. Different L1

12.2. Register / appropriacy

13. Mindmap adapted from Owen, H. (2007). ESL students: Fostering skills to avoid plagiarism. In A. Jendli, S. Troudi & C. Coombe (Eds.), The power of language: Perspectives from Arabia (pp. 215-231). Dubai: TESOL Arabia.

14. Digital Literacy Skills