Myers-Briggs Type Indicator | Using MBTI type/Jungian Nomenclature

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Myers-Briggs Type Indicator | Using MBTI type/Jungian Nomenclature 作者: Mind Map: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator | Using MBTI type/Jungian Nomenclature

1. Extraversion (E)

2. Introversion (I)

2.1. represent 25% of the population and 50% of the gifted population

3. Sensing (S)

4. Intuitive (N)

4.1. represent 25

4.2. need exposure to abstract concepts, symbolic reasoning, problem-finding and problem-solving activities, inductive (discovery-oriented) strategies, complex material with multiple layers of meaning, more independence, and less structure, opportunities to envision possibilities, futuristic studies, and creative outlets.

5. Thinking (T)

6. Feeling (F)

7. Judging (J)

7.1. plan, decide, organize, emphasize production, like closure, and attempt to lead settled, orderly lives

8. Perceiving (P)

8.1. curious, spontaneous, flexible, adaptable, focus on process rather than product, avoid closure, and like to keep their options open

9. Myers Briggs code Combinations

9.1. 1st letter = Attitude or Orientation; the direction or focus of the personality (I or E)

9.2. 2nd letter = Functional Type preference, Irrational function (S or N)

9.3. 3rd letter = Functional Type preference, Rational function (T or F)

9.4. 4th letter = Preferred way of dealing with the outer world (J or P)

10. MBTI 'Type Table', Related to Four Temperaments Keirsey Groupings

10.1. SP = sanguine or artisan

10.2. SJ = melancholic or guardian

10.3. NF = choleric or idealist

10.4. NT = phlegmatic or rationalist

11. MBTI Quiz