Prova de Inglês :earth_americas:

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Prova de Inglês :earth_americas: 作者: Mind Map: Prova de Inglês :earth_americas:

1. Simple Past-irregular verbs

1.1. Afimative

1.1.1. Um verbo, como por exemplo o verbo EAT na frase afirmativa o verbo vai se mudado pra a forma ATE

1.2. Interrogative

1.2.1. O verbo EAT vai continuar o mesmo mas ele vai vir SEMPRE na frente da frase

1.3. Negative

1.3.1. O verbo EAT vai continuar o mesmo tambem mas vai usar o did na sua forma negativa q e (didn't ou did not)

2. Past Continuos

2.1. Affirmative

2.1.1. I was You were He was

2.2. Interrogative

2.2.1. Was I...? Were you...? Was he...?

2.3. Netagive

2.3.1. I was not/ I wasn't You were not/ You weren't He was not/ He wasn't

2.3.2. We were not/ We weren't You were not/ You weren't They were not/ They weren't

3. When and While

3.1. Como usa para When and While : Past Continuos + Simple Past

3.2. Já para Was e Were usa: Past Continuos +Past Continuos

4. Telling the time

4.1. Para falarmos a hora em inglês ultilizamamos a palavra o'clok por expl: It's six fitfy-five - São 6 e 55

5. Invenções

5.1. Automobile

5.1.1. Automóvel (Germany-1885) Karl Benz

5.2. Airplane

5.2.1. avião (brazil-1906) Alberto Santos Dumont

5.3. Cell phone

5.3.1. Celular (USA-1973) Martin Cooper

5.4. computer

5.4.1. Computador (England-1830) Charles Babbage

5.5. Camera

5.5.1. Câmera (Germany-1685) Johann Zahn

5.6. Headphones

5.6.1. Fones de Ouvidos (France-1891) Ernest Mercadier

5.7. Television

5.7.1. Televisão (Sotland-1925) John Logie Baird

5.8. Telephone

5.8.1. Telefone (USA-1876) Alexandre Graham Bell

5.9. Video Game Console

5.9.1. Console de videogame (Germany-1876) Ralph Baer

6. Word Word

6.1. Gate

6.1.1. Portão

6.2. Plane

6.2.1. Avião

6.3. Weighing Machine

6.3.1. Balança

6.4. Conveyor Belt/Baggage Carousel

6.4.1. Esteira transportadora/carrossel de bagagem

6.5. Metal Detector

6.5.1. Detector de Metais

6.6. Departure Lounge

6.6.1. Salão de embarque

6.7. Arrivals and Depatures Board

6.7.1. Quadro de Chegadas e Partidas

6.8. Check-in desk

6.8.1. Recepção

6.9. Trolley-luggage

6.9.1. Carrinho de bagagem

6.10. Seat belt

6.10.1. Cinto de segurança

6.11. Customs

6.11.1. Costumes